12 ways To Be A Better Improviser

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Improvisation is a wonderfully fun musical activity but it can be challenging to learn. Here are twelve effective ways you can develop and improve your own ability to improvise music.

You can download a handy printable version of the 12 ways to become a better improviser by clicking here: https://www.musical-u.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/12-ways-to-be-a-better-improviser.pdf

Now whatever instrument you play, genre you prefer, or level you have reached, let’s dive into the twelve ways you can become a better improviser!

1. Start From the Beginning

2. Nurture an Attitude of Fun

3. Focus on Fundamentals

4. Redefine “Mistake”

5. Hear It Before You Play It

6. Listen Back

7. Play Slower to Improve Faster

8. Play the Long Game

9. Make Improvising a Game

10. Blank Slate Not Required

11. Avoid Isolation (Sometimes)

12. Be Brave

Whatever stage you have reached in learning to improvise, I hope that one or more of these tips helps you to push yourself further and become even better. Remember: keep pushing your comfort zone, and keep it fun!


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12 ways To Be A Better Improviser