Dr. Daniel K. Robinson believes that “It is the birthrigh…

Dr. Daniel K. Robinson believes that “It is the birthright of every human being to sing.” His greatest passion has become helping others claim this birthright. Over the past two decades, while maintaining his own performance career, Daniel has instructed thousands of voices: from beginners to touring professionals. https://www.musical-u.com/learn/every-voice-deserves-heard/

Becoming a musician means much more than just learning to…

Becoming a musician means much more than just learning to play an instrument. There are a wide variety of skills involved in learning to become a capable and versatile musician beyond mechanical abilities and understanding music theory. https://www.musical-u.com/learn/5-key-skills-musical/

In these heady days of universal musical access, singers …

In these heady days of universal musical access, singers can choose from a dizzying range of musical styles to sing. Singing in different genres can increase your vocal abilities and opportunities, but how do you know which styles best suit your own voice? https://www.musical-u.com/learn/how-to-pick-the-perfect-song-to-fit-your-voice-5-tips/

What makes a Funk guitarist? Great Funk guitarists follow…

What makes a Funk guitarist? Great Funk guitarists follow the rhythm, and then find their spaces in which they can shine, dancing on top of the groove. They give funky personality to the all-mighty groove. https://www.musical-u.com/learn/the-funky-ones-what-makes-funk-guitar-what-it-is/

What do you think about the effect that technological adv…

What do you think about the effect that technological advances are having on music production? Do you think that machines will ever have the ability to replace live musicians completely? https://www.musical-u.com/learn/human-drummers-drum-machines/

How can one create a cover song using looping tools? Be s…

How can one create a cover song using looping tools? Be sure to dive into this version of @tameimpala’s “Let It Happen” by Pieter Schrevens. https://www.musical-u.com/learn/before-and-after-covering-tame-impala/

As a musician, you’re probably familiar with a number of …

As a musician, you’re probably familiar with a number of feelings. You’re not alone! An important part of playing music is learning to fuel the feelings you want to maintain and overcome the ones that get in the way of your goals. Here are 4 emotions every musician is acquainted with. https://www.musical-u.com/learn/4-emotions-every-musician-acquainted-with/

Why learn a new instrument? Although it might seem too so…

Why learn a new instrument? Although it might seem too soon if you haven’t yet mastered your first instrument, in fact there are a range of benefits which come from learning a second (or third!) instrument. Here are seven good reasons to learn a new instrument. https://www.musical-u.com/learn/seven-reasons-to-learn-a-new-instrument/

Thanks to shows like The Sing-Off and movies like Pitch P…

Thanks to shows like The Sing-Off and movies like Pitch Perfect, a cappella has taken the world by storm. Well, that’s not entirely true. Most singing musicians know that a cappella is an old artform and has been around for seemingly forever; but it’s only re-entered the mainstream recently. https://www.musical-u.com/learn/acappella-train-left-station-board/