How can you master the art of improvisation? Today, we’ll…
How can you master the art of improvisation? Today, we’ll talk about 10 mini-challenges you can that will help you on the journey.

Choosing the right chords for a song can make all the dif…
Choosing the right chords for a song can make all the difference between a great song and a terrible one. When you first start writing songs though, you may be overwhelmed by the options available to you. But how do you know which chords to use in your songs?

Learning to hear the harmonies has many benefits for all …
Learning to hear the harmonies has many benefits for all musicians whether interested in singing in a choir, composing an interesting piece of music or just strengthening your ear training skills.

Many people wish they were more musical. However either t…
Many people wish they were more musical. However either they donโ€™t believe that they can be, or they donโ€™t know where to start. The truth is that everyone has musical potential, and with the right steps it can be easy and fun to develop your musical skills and start to feel truly musical. ๐ŸŽน

Here are 10 simple ways you can start using today to become more musical. ๐ŸŽถ

Do you have trouble hearing or singing harmonies? Creatin…
Do you have trouble hearing or singing harmonies? Creating harmony with other human voices is great fun and can be a profound musical experience. If you can sing a melody in tune, you can teach your ears how to sing harmony lines as well. Here are four effective (and fun) ways to learn how to sing harmony:

Musicality Gets Real, Sight-Read Music, Collaborate Online, and Do-Re-You

Check out this new post about Collaborating,Musical U News,News,Sight Reading,Solfa: Musicality Gets Real, Sight-Read Music, Collaborate Online, and Do-Re-You

Celebrate the nitty-gritty skills that build our free musical expression! Apply musicality to your instrument, sight-read, collaborate, and learn solfege. via Musical U

Improvisation is a wonderfully fun musical activity but i…
Improvisation is a wonderfully fun musical activity but it can be challenging to learn. Here are twelve effective ways you can develop and improve your own ability to improvise music.