Have you been looking for a magical tool to transfer the …

Have you been looking for a magical tool to transfer the music you hear to the music you play on your instrument?

Solfa (aka solfège, or solfeggio) can be that secret weapon that helps you hear exactly what note is being played.

If solfa is new to you, check out these beginner solfa exercises.


🎸🎷Want to unlock a deeper understanding and connection wi…

🎸🎷Want to unlock a deeper understanding and connection with your instrument? 🎹

In this episode, we discuss the value of using your voice as a training tool to hone your instrumental skills – and how your voice is closely tied to rhythm, phrasing, and storytelling in music.

Click through and unlock the power of your voice.


Has it ever seemed magical when someone is able to sit do…

Has it ever seemed magical when someone is able to sit down and just play the chords to a song, even without sheet music or a lead sheet?

With a little chord ear training, you can do it too!

Let’s explore recognising individual chords and then move on to recognising sequences of chords, known as chord progressions.

Discover how you can learn to play chords by ear!


Ever been in awe of a musician that can play in any style…

Ever been in awe of a musician that can play in any style?🤯

Musical U had the pleasure of speaking with Steve Nixon of FreeJazzLessons.com to discuss the art of playing in multiple genres.

Learn about the the skills and knowledge that will help you shine in jazz, rock, pop, classical, and country music alike.


Learning to hear different triad types and their inversio…

Learning to hear different triad types and their inversions is not really that difficult, it just takes a little time and understanding.

This article focuses on using our knowledge of the sound of major and minor triads in root position and its interval make-up to tease out the sound of different inversions of these basic chords.

As with any approach, consider this one as a tool to use while you learn the different sound qualities of these sonorities.


Was that song in major or minor? Understanding major an…

Was that song in major or minor?

Understanding major and minor keys is a fundamental musical skill that you can develop.

Here are two simple ways to tell the difference between major and minor keys.


As musicians and music fans we all know how impactful mus…

As musicians and music fans we all know how impactful music can be, and how natural it can feel.

But did you know music can also be a powerful therapeutic tool? Learn more about the fascinating field of music therapy.


Listening skills are THE key to unlocking your inner musi…

Listening skills are THE key to unlocking your inner musicality!

We spoke with Blues Harmonica Kaizen by Fredrik Hertzberg to explore how listening can help harmonica players develop their style… and how you can use these same techniques no matter what instrument you play.

https://www.musical-u.com/learn/listening-skills-key-developing-harmonica-sound/ With

Rhythm is an under-appreciated component of music – and w…

Rhythm is an under-appreciated component of music – and we’re here to put it in the spotlight!

Learn all about improvising a rhythm, how to do it, and the musicality benefits it yields.
