“Great improvisers aren’t thinking when they’re playing. When you get to the jam session, we want to try and leave the Head behind. But I also want to say, it’s okay if you are. You know, if you find yourself thinking. My thing is very practical. Use whatever you need. It’s like kung fu or something, you know – use whatever you gotta use. If you’re in a street fight or something, use whatever you gotta use to get through that street fight, right? Whatever you gotta use. So if you gotta use your noggin a little bit, that’s fine. Ideally, you want to get to the point where that reaction time is short, and we are just hearing and playing. But first we bring our head in the practice room. We bring the head into it.” — Lorin Cohen, Jazz Bassist and Educator → Watch the full episode: https://musicalitynow.com/283

from Musical U