“Interleaved practice is essentially practicing many different things sort of at once and going between them frequently rather than focusing on one thing for a big block of time. And then once you’re done with that, moving to something else. I think we’re all taught to practice like ‘focus, pick something, work on that, really, really hone in on that, and don’t be, like, bouncing around to all sorts of other things’. But the research on learning shows that the brain learns a lot better and much more durably when you DO bounce around between different things. And it’s especially important for performing well. That was such a game-changer for me, especially in terms of performance. Before I learned about interleaved practice, I always felt very disappointed with how I performed, that I would get on stage and I would make mistakes I never made before, or I would make silly mistakes. And I would just get off stage and be like ‘man, like, can I please do that again? Like, that was not how I wanted to play that!’ And then I learned about interleaved practice. And my performing skills just got so much better, and performances felt so much more comfortable, and I was like ‘wow, okay. Somebody should have told me about this when I was a little kid!’ So I try to share it with people now.” — Dr. Molly Gebrian Author of “Learn Faster, Perform Better”

from Musical U