Bands can sit in a studio and produce albums until the en…
Bands can sit in a studio and produce albums until the end of time – but ultimately the quality of a band can be judged by how well they play live. So, how can your band rehearse to improve your live performance?

Playing jazz seems from afar as daunting as it is amazing…
Playing jazz seems from afar as daunting as it is amazing. How could I ever get in on something that… complex? Difficult! I don’t have the time or the talent to ever get to do that! Do I? Get started here ->

The Dorian mode allows guitarists to use the minor pentat…
The Dorian mode allows guitarists to use the minor pentatonic riffs, but add in the major sixth note to get a brighter feel. This particular mode is common in glam rock and hair metal, which are both guitar driven genres. Learn more here:

Making a name for yourself in the music business can be a…
Making a name for yourself in the music business can be a frustrating task, to say the least. For some musicians, this is because they are going about it all wrong. Here are 6 tips for finding that “big break” you’ve been searching for.

Most people would agree in saying that the way that music…
Most people would agree in saying that the way that music makes them feel is what makes that music so great. So how is this done? Let’s explore the ways that music can entirely alter your mood, or can line itself up so perfectly with your current state of mind.

Have you ever heard a song that just felt sort of “off”? …
Have you ever heard a song that just felt sort of “off”? One that wasn’t particularly pleasant-sounding, or even one that was downright hard to tolerate? If so, you’ve already experienced the drastic difference between consonance and dissonance. Learn more here:

Musicians often complain they don’t have enough time to p…
Musicians often complain they don’t have enough time to practise. In many cases, the biggest obstacles you might hear them mention are time constraints. How can you find more time for music?

When you’re dedicated to music – as a craft, a career, an…
When you’re dedicated to music – as a craft, a career, and a passion – it can be extremely disheartening to be told you’ll never “make it” without a degree. If you’ve heard that message before, don’t fret! Here are 5 times when many people think you need a music degree, but actually, you don’t.

Why would an accomplished musician take up singing when t…
Why would an accomplished musician take up singing when they were already succeeding as an instrumentalist? What makes singing so important for musicians and so vital for good musicianship? And why would you take lessons rather than just trying to teach yourself to sing?