Your voice is a synthesizer. You might not have noticed …
Your voice is a synthesizer.

You might not have noticed yet, but music production these days is becoming more and more reliant on digital technology and a Do It Yourself approach.

There are several reasons for that: perhaps the most important one is the accessibility of tools formerly only available to the chosen few.

You donโ€™t need to have access to a full blown studio to create a commercial-sounding and professional record.

You can do it all at home with your bedroom monitors, computer, some software and a pinch of passion.

Universal availability of software has created a legion of sleepless zombies (hmm, I mean โ€œartistsโ€!) who tirelessly lurk on the vast music-scapes, searching for sound and searching for ways to express their emotions.

In this article we will explore one of the newest techniques used to create sound. The Voice!